A River of Fire

In 2021, I decided to create a year long photography project to capture my evolution through the year. I was just beginning treatment for an unknown chronic illness that I developed as a result of nearly dying in 2018. I was freshly divorced as of November 2020, and was navigating stepping into single parenthood with this illness, during a pandemic. And along with all of that, I was committed to unearthing what childhood and intergenerational patterns led me to this place.

I knew the year was going to be an important one. I knew at the end of the 12 months ahead, I was going to be a different person. This photo series holds the journey I took.

Each month I designed a shoot to reflect where I was emotionally and physically. I made props and outfits, and focused on telling my story to future self, to my child, and ultimately so I had a reason to lift my head a little higher each day.

The series was created in collaboration with Jess Purple.

A River of Fire Photo Sets


Grief Guardians