A Portal Home

Since childhood, I’ve never felt like I truly belong anywhere—like something just doesn’t quite fit between me and the world around me. In September 2021, I was just beginning to very quietly notice the correlation between my inner experience, and the experiences I was hearing from a few friends who had received later in life diagnoses of Autism.

It would be another year plus before I really saw the constellation of my neurodivergence come into focus, but the journey that began here—in 2021—took me on a ride that uncovered so many brilliant aspects of my brain.

The name for this photoshoot was immediately apparent, and as the years have passed, I’ve come to see just how accurate it was.

Creating these images felt like crossing a threshold. Since then, I’ve found a home within myself that I have always yearned for.


The Fantasy of Time | A River of Fire


What the Ancestors Say | A River of Fire